Modern Maskulinity

EP #078: Facing the Man in the Mirror

Episode Summary

Life is full of ups and downs, left and right turns, flying and falling, and in order to find success in it all, in our opinion, we must be willing to face the man in the mirror. But what does it mean to embrace the challenge of that? When people say "its you versus you", who is the you that you're facing? And "what" are you facing? These questions are what inspired us to focus this episode on breaking down what you vs. you means, what its been like for us to face the an in the mirror, and truthfully, why we both love it. Tune in, check it out, and let us know what stood out the most!

Episode Notes

Life is full of ups and downs, left and right turns, flying and falling, and in order to find success in it all, in our opinion, we must be willing to face the man in the mirror. But what does it mean to embrace the challenge of that? When people say "its you versus you", who is the you that you're facing? And "what" are you facing? These questions are what inspired us to focus this episode on breaking down what you vs. you means, what its been like for us to face the an in the mirror, and truthfully, why we both love it. Tune in, check it out, and let us know what stood out the most!


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Featured On: Top Masculinity Podcasts 

Audio Produced by: Chris Smith